Dan's Olde Tyme Generic Blog!
The Hydar Blog is a place for whatever pops into Dan Hydar's little brain... or happens to distract him. Let's watch.
Up here in the Bay Area ... radio says 5.6 on the Richter Scale. Just knocked over a few odds & ends.
Yay! PayPal Part of Conspiracy Theory!
According to Mother Jones, PayPal was founded as a crypto-rightist Bible College. Who knew?
Anyhoo, read the article for a good example of ginning up a smear based on, essentially, nothing. One of the gems :
Anyhoo, read the article for a good example of ginning up a smear based on, essentially, nothing. One of the gems :
PayPal staffers dreamed big: They hoped to establish an alternative electronic currency to bypass national fiscal policies, in much the same way a previous generation of conservatives had advocated reviving the gold standard.
Word of the Day : "Paultard"

Paultards : Crazy Ron Paul supporters.
Paultard : Ron Paul, who occasionally indulges in nutjob conspiracies hisself. (Or, singular form for Ron Paul supporter)
Happy Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week!

That would be this week. Funny how the holidays always creep up on ya.
I wonder if google has a graphic for this one?
Behind the Music : Socks the Cat
Apparently, once Socks the Cat was no longer needed for photo-ops, he was cut loose from the Clinton entourage. The poor little guy deserves his own hour in the VH1 sun, I think.
Great Idea for "handling" the Chinese Olympics
From the editors of The New Republic
Complete article
These Olympics afford our athletes an opportunity that citizens of the free world rarely get: to travel to a country where speech is tightly regulated and to speak--without fear of retribution and from a significant public platform--about the injustices that country inflicts on its own citizens, as well as others. The 2008 games will provide no shortage of chances to do this. In 2006, speed skater Joey Cheek spoke about Darfur after winning his gold medal in Turin. If an athlete expressed similar sentiments to a pack of journalists next year, while adding some observations on how Beijing has facilitated the genocide, he or she would instantly command the world's attention. Similarly, a press conference called by multiple American athletes in a prominent Beijing location to discuss Chinese support for the junta in Burma would not go unnoticed. Nor would an open letter by U.S. athletes to China's leaders demanding the release of specific political prisoners--delivered in person to a top official at the games.
Of course, China tightly controls domestic media, which means these displays would not necessarily reach average citizens. But there are ways around this problem. Chinese-language banners unfurled by athletes at the opening ceremonies that call for the government to permit free speech, t-shirts slipped on during medal ceremonies that carry messages of solidarity with Chinese dissidents--these gestures could reach tens of thousands of spectators and, through word of mouth, many more. And, even if such images are seen only by a tiny fraction of China's population, they will invariably be viewed by millions around the world--perhaps becoming iconic symbols of resistance, like the famous shot of black athletes with their fists raised at the 1968 Olympics. This would itself be valuable. The men who rule China are brutal, but they are also insecure; and they value these Olympics mainly as a chance to cement their status as respectable members of the world community. If, rather than a point of pride, the Beijing games become a point of controversy or debate or even shame, it could provoke these autocrats to rethink their behavior.
Complete article
Nifty auction at my (for now) Employer
A brilliant act of political jujitsu by Rush Limbaugh. (At time of posting, it's up to $851,100.00 USD for the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation.