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Theology for the Day : Hypostatic Union of Christ

Apparently, the two natures of Christ can be better understood with a trip to the pub :

“The hypostatic union is kind of like this black and tan,” I began.


“You see, Christ was both true man and true God. That is, He has two different natures. Just like this Black and Tan has two different natures – or styles -- of beer within its glass. Yet, even though there are two styles of beer in a Black and Tan they are both contained in the one drink that is called a Black and Tan. Likewise, Christ’s two natures are both found in the one Person called Jesus of Nazareth.

“If you look closely at the Black and Tan you will see that there is no separation between the Guinness and Bass: no division. One beer seems to flow into the other. It is similar to Christ. He has no distinctions or separation between his two natures. Christ’s humanity and divinity both work in harmony with one another: just as Guinness and Bass work together in harmony to make a Black and Tan. To remove one nature from the two would be to radically change the definition of both the drink and Christ. Remove the Guinness and there is no Black and Tan, there is only Black. Remove Christ’s divinity (if such an thing is possible, which it isn’t) and there is no Christ, there is only Jesus the Man and not Jesus the Christ.

“Furthermore, there is also no confusion between the two beers – likewise, there is no confusion between the two natures of Christ. That is why the drink is called a Black and Tan. If there were confusion between the two beers in the one glass it would be called something else: maybe a Brown would be a fitting name.

“Lastly, a careful examination of a Black and Tan reveals that the distinction and preservation of each beer is present. The Bass at the bottom still contains all the properties and characteristics of what it means to be Bass. The Guinness layered on top contains all the properties and characteristics of what it means to be Guinness.

“It is the same with Christ. There are still two natures of Christ: one, 100 percent human containing all the properties and characteristics of what it means to be human, the other is 100 percent divine containing all the properties and characteristics of what it means to be divine. Each nature is preserved in the one Person of Jesus Christ. Where the distinction of Christ’s divinity and humanity occur, I do not know for certain, and it is not as certain and as clear as it is with the Black and Tan. Perhaps it might be most clear in His Passion, death, and Resurrection.”

From Hypostatic Union of Christ: The Black and Tan

I usually have a Black Velvet (Cider and Guinness) when I'm in a layery sort of mood. Does that make me a heretic of some sort? Hmm.

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